
povesteste in engleza in 5 6 randuri despre un sport(tradus si in romana)​

Răspuns :



There are two teams. A team server. It is done in turn , depending on who gives point



Se fac doua echipe. O echipă servește. Se face pe rând, depinde de cine da punct.

It's been 4 months since I went to the final of a tennis tournament. It was certainly the first time of attending to such a big event and I was deeply impressed of how many people there actually was. I went with my father which is the greatest fan of one of the finalist but unfortunately the match was not so pleasant to watch for him because his opponent played better.

Sunt 4 luni de cand am fost la finala unui campionat de tenis. A fost cu siguranta prima data cand am fost la un astfel de eveniment si am fost destul de impresionat de cata lume era acolo. M-am dus cu taicamiu care-i cel mai mare fan al unuia dintre finalisti dar din pacate meciul n-a fost prea placut pentru el deoarece celalalt jucator jucase mai bine.