
Va rog sa ma ajutati. De tradus.

Chapter 1

Do you believe in ghosts?Ghosts live everywhere and they are invisible. Well, let me tell you what happened to me last year. I was sleeping soundly in my warm, cozy bed, when all of a sudden I heard a strange sound. What was that? I was scared. Maybe it was my dog Morty making that noise. But no, Morty was lying right outside my bedroom door right on his favorite rug.He was even snoring loudly. Someone knocked on the front door!

Chapter 2

But it wasn't the right time. I started to shiver and I saw a flash of light outside. It was not raining at the moment, so it couldn't be a thunder storm.

Now I was shaking in terror. Ghosts have never showed up at my house. This is crazy! It was 3 o'clock in the morning. Who was at the front door, I wondered. OK let's think straight. Ghosts do not exist in real life. Ghosts live only in stories. They haunt castles but they do not appear in real people's houses. They are not making noises now. I hope.

Chapter 3

The night was very dark. Oh no! Someone or something moaned downstairs while dragging a chain around the living room. It must be a ghost! No, impossible. And what was that? The dogs outside were howling and then I saw something move in front  of me. A voice said: don't be scared. I think I imagined things at the moment. The wind flew very fiercely. So it was the wind. I am going back to bed right now and I am going to hide under the covers. There is nothing to be afraid of. This is not real

Chapter 4

Calm down!  Now i remembered a scary story the teacher read to us in school yesterday. It was all about ghosts and goblins. So I am dreaming about that ghost story-this isn't real. However, the strange noises continued. OK, so something is going on at the moment. They my mother suddenly came into my bedroom, both of us heard the sound of dragging chains and ghostly moans again and saw flashes of lightning in the sky. We both screamed loudly.  I almost jumped out of my skin. And then I woke up-it was only a nightmare! Whew!

Răspuns :

Capitolul 1

Tu crezi in fantome? Fantomele traiesc oriunde si sunt invisibile. Pai, lasă-mă sa iti povestesc ce mi s-a intamplat anul trecut. Dormeam adânc in patul meu călduros si confortabil cand deodata am auzit un sunet ciudat. Ce era cu acel sunetul? Eram speriat. Poate sunetul a fost facut de cainele meu, Morty. Dar nu, Morty era inafara dormitorului meu, stand in locul lui preferat. Ba chiar sforăia zgomotos. Cineva a batut la usa din față!

Capitolul 2

Dar nu era timpul potrivit. Am început sa tremur si am vazut un fulger afară. Nu ploua in acel moment, deci nu putea fi o furtuna.

Acum tremuram cu teroare. Fantomele nu au aparut niciodată la mine in casa. E o nebunie! Era 3 dimineata. Oare cine era la ușa din față, ma intrebam. Ok, hai sa gândim logic. Fantomele nu exista in viata reala. Fantomele exista doar în povesti. Bântuie castele dar nu apar in casele oamenilor din viata reala. Sper ca nu ele fac acele sunete.

Capitolul 3

Aceea noapte era foarte întunecată. Oh nu! Ceva sau cineva a scos un geamăt la parter in timp ce tragea un scaun prin camera de zi. Sigur e o fantoma! Nu, imposibil! Si ce a fost aia? Caini de afara urlau iar dupa am vazut ceva mișcându-se in fața mea. O voce a spus: nu-ti fie teama. Cred ca mi-am imaginat lucruri in acel moment. Vantul era foarte zgomotos. Deci probabil era vântul. Ma voi intoarce la culcare chiar acum si ma voi ascunde sub pături. Nu e nimic de care sa imi fie teama. Asta nu e real.

Capitolul 4

Calmează-te! Acum mi-am amintit o poveste de groaza pe care profesorul ne-a citit-o ieri la scoala. Era despre fantome si goblini. Deci eu visez despre acea poveste cu fantome-asta nu e real. Cu toate astea, sunetele ciudate au continuat. Ok, deci ceva ciudat se intampla in acest moment. Atunci mama mea a venit in dormitorul meu, amândoi auzisem acele sunete de parca cineva tragea scaunele prin camera si gemetele fantomei. Amândoi am vazut pana si fulgerele de pe cer si am țipăt foarte tare! Aproape mi-am sarit din piele. Dar dupa m-am trezit si mi-am dat seama ca era doar un coșmar. Pfeu!