
cum se formeaza prezentul simplu, continuu, trecutul si viitorul in limba engleză? ​

Răspuns :


Prezent simplu:

I go to school everyday. (Eu merg la școală în fiecare zi.

Prezent continuu:

I'm going to school. (Eu merg la școală.) [În acest moment]

Trecut (Past):

I was at school. (Am fost la școală.)

You were at school.

He/She/It was at school.

We were at school.

You were at school.

They were at school.

Viitor (Future):

I will go at school. (Eu voi merge la școală)

You will go at school.

He/She/It will go at school.

We will go at school.

You will go at school.

They will go at school.

Dacă ceva îți este neclar poți să-mi spui. Sper că te-am ajutat!