
Faceti o compunere IN ENGLEZA de 15-20 randuri:
1.in primul paragraf descrie-ti mama (moral)
2.in al 2-lea paragraf spune cum ti-a influentat viata
3.spune cat de mult o apreciezi

Răspuns :

Răspuns: My mother is called.... (aici pui numele mamei tale). She is caring with me and with her relatives and friends. She is communicative, she likes to talk a lot with anybody. She is very honest, she likes to tell the truth and she hates the lies.

My mother taught me a lot of things since I was a baby, that's why I believe that she influenced my life. In the beggining, he taught me to walk, to speak, to read, and then she taught me how to behave in the society. My mother taught me to be kind and honest with other people. She taught me to love deeply and not to hurt.

I appreciate my mother because she's been throught a lot of bad things, but she always keep her smile on his beautiful face. I also appreciate that she stays beside peoples at their worst and at their best. She is an amazing person and I hope I will be like her in the future.

Sper ca te-am ajutat și sper sa nu fie prea lunga. Dacă nu înțelegi vreun cuvânt poți sa ma întrebi. :)
