
Traduceti propozitiile folosind regulile IF clauses. 1)Daca as fi stiut ca vii astazi te-as fi asteptat la gara . 2) Nu as accepta acest lucru daca te-ar supara. 3) Vor participa la competitie daca se vor antrena suficient. 4) Ar fi luat nota mai buna daca ar fi citit toata cartea. 5) Daca ar ploua am ramane acasa. ​DAU COROANA

Răspuns :


If I had known you were coming today I would have waited for you at the station

I wouldn't accept this thing if I knew it bothered you

They will join the competition if they train enough

He would have gotten a better grade if he had read the whole book

If it rained we would stay (at) home