
Heelp. Ma puteti ajuta sa traduc aceste intrebari in eng ?
1 . Ce inseamna termenul dizabilitate ?
2. Ce include asistenta oferita pentru studentii cu dizabilitati ?
3. De ce ar trebui sa aiba fiecare universitate consilier pentru persoanele cu dizabilitati ?
4. Cu ce ii putem ajuta pe studentii cu dizabilitati in timpul studierii ?
5. De cate feluri sunt dizabilitatile ?
6. Exista alocatii pentru copii cu dizabilitati ?
7. Cum asiguram ca toti copii se bucura de drepturile lor fara discriminare ?
8. Ce cuprind dizabilitatile de invatare ?
va roooooog

Răspuns :

1. What does the disablity term means?

2. What includes the assistance offered to students with disabilities?

3. Why should every university have a guidance counselor

for persons with disabilities?

4. How can we help the students with disabilities while studying?

5. How many kinds of disablities are there?

6. Are there allocations for children with disabilities?

7. How can we assure that all children are enjoying their rights without discrimination?

8. What do learning disabilities involve?

Sper ca te-am ajutat :D