
Bună ziua, ma puteți ajuta va rog cu un text de clasa a 6 a în limba engleză despre salvarea planetei? Textul trebuie sa fie de 2 pagini de foaie A4.

Răspuns :

Several specialists in the field, as well as individuals, have issued warnings to this effect. Some have made their position known publicly. A UK librarian has chained a bulldozer to protest against the construction of a road through a region with a fragile ecological balance. Two Australian Aborigines were at the forefront of a uranium mine protest campaign in a national park. Exploits stopped. Though well intentioned, these efforts are not always well received. For example, during the Soviet regime, a ship captain was worried about radioactive leakage from reactors on the submerged nuclear submarines. When he published the position of these submarines, he was arrested.

Alarm signs have been triggered by various organizations. Among them are the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Environment Program and the Greenpeace organization. Some signal environmental problems only when they happen to be related to their work. Others have taken on the role of popularizing enigmatic environmental issues. Greenpeace, a well-known organization, sends activists to the hot spots of the globe to bring to the attention of public opinion issues such as global warming, endangered species and the risks posed by genetically modified animals and plants.

Some ecological militants claim to use "original methods to make ecological issues known". For example, he protests against the destruction of secular forests by chaining the gates of a timber mill. When a country violated the whaling campaign, a group of militants protested in front of its embassies, coming with giant eyes to show that the country's actions were taken into account.

To help protect the environment, it is not necessary to donate colossal amounts of money, not even to promote the cause. Sometimes it's enough just to take care of the way you live your daily life.

1. Use compact fluorescent bulbs!

If every house were to replace ordinary fluorescent bulbs, it would be the equivalent of one million cars off the streets.

2. Close your computer at night!

If everyone were to do that, it would save 40 watt-hours a day

3. When you brush your teeth, do not let the water flow.

If you wash at least 2 times a day, you can save 20 liters in 24 hours.