Va rog !! Un eseu argumentativ , in limba engleza de aprox. 10-15 randuri , in care sa prezinti atat avantajele cat si dezavantajele mancarii fastfood , multumesc !!

Even though homemade food is better and healthier than anything else, there is a big amount of people that choose fast food over the other meals.
Sometimes, fast food tastes pretty well, but it is dangerous for human body from many perspectives. It isnt just a waste of money but it is also has a lower quality. Aside from not having to do any effort by cooking, it is a faster way of eating which is messed up because that food contains lots of substances that will cause problems sooner or later.
It causes obesity as well, being addicted to fast food is like being manipulated by it. Obesity causes sometimes even diseases that are rather to be avoided as much as possible. Nowdays people seem to look a little overweighted because of the junk food and of all those unhealthy products from them. It also makes you forget how to eat regulary on a daily routine, you might as well forget about the hygiene.
The written arguments show us the real world that has become, and sadly we can not do anything to change it.