
Versuri Rap , cele mai bune . Dau coroana celui mai bun ​

Răspuns :

In romana :Cand am avut ceva de spus am fost luat in gluma

Dar timpu' a trecut acum v-am lasat in urma

Imi amintesc cum eram, eram doar visator

Dar visul s-a implinit si nu mi-a fost usor

Am luptat, am sperat ca voi ajunge sus

Acum lupt in continuare pt tot ce mi-am propus

O foaie si un pix este tot ce am

Voi scrie in continuare multe de zis mai am

Tonny, Deka, Narcomanu - avem acelasi tel

Suntem gata sa urcam la un alt nivel

in engleza:Every time I'm leavin' on ya

You don't make it easy, no, no

Wish I could be there for ya

Give me a reason to go

Every time I'm walkin' out

I can hear you tellin' me to turn around

Fightin' for my trust and you won't back down

Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh

I know you're scared of the unknown (known)

You don't wanna be alone (alone)

I know I always come and go (and go)

But it's out of my control