

Traduceti urmatoarele fragmente in limba engleza:

1. Marul lui Adam nu mai dadea rod. Doar la 10 ani o data daca mai facea si el acolo cateva mere pipernicite si verzi de-ti strangeau gura punga de departe, numai cat te uitai la ele. Ceasuri intregi stateau atunci sfintii parinti cu ochii la acele starpituri padurete si se lasa gura apa ca erau dornici de acritura. Dar nimeni nu cuteza sa se atinga de ele, fiind lucru cu primejdie; veninul lor dulce-acru isi pastrase pana astazi virtutea de a-l impinge pe om in mare ispita.

2. Odata, trecand pe langa marul lui Adam, niste bine credinciosi, zice ca unul dintre ei - mai lung de mana - ar fi indraznit sa apuce din treacat, pe furis, un mar cazut in iarba si, pana sa prinza de veste sfantul din fruntea convoiului, pana sa alerge la el sa-l scobeasca in gura ca sa ii scoata bucatica dintre dinti, acela a inghitit-o nemestecata. Si nu i-a mai trebuit alt popa. S-a strecurat ca de friguri de vreo doua ori, dupa aceea a inceput a se uita gales pe sub sprancene, in jurul lui, pe urma s-a pornit sa fluiere un cantec de lume. Si, dintr-o data, s-au trezit cu el zbierand cat il tinea gura “ Hai lelita-n de la vie/ sa culegem razachie “ si alte mascari de acest fel cum nu se mai auzise niciodata in sfantul rai.

Răspuns :

1.Adam's Apple didn't bear fruit. Only when he was 10 years old once, if he made a couple of little green apples in there, they would squeeze your mouth from afar, just as long as you looked at them. Whole clocks stood then the Holy Fathers staring at those Forest starpits and let their mouths water that they were eager for sourness. But no one dared to touch them, being a thing of danger; their sweet-sour venom had to this day preserved the virtue of pushing Man Into Great Temptation.

2.Once, passing near the Adam's apple, some good, faithful, saying that one of them - the longest hand would be dared to grab in passing, on the sly, an apple fell in the grass and, before prinza of the word holy in the forefront of the convoy, up to run to him to gouge out in the mouth as to remove the glimpse of teeth that has swallowed a nemestecata. And he didn't need another priest. He crept like a cold a couple of times, then he started looking gales under his eyebrows, around him, then he started to whistle a World song. And all of a sudden, they woke up with him screaming as he kept his mouth shut, “ let's laugh “ and other such masquerades as never before heard in the Holy heaven.