
Va rooog. Dau coroana. P.S daca nu imi raspundeti in maxim 10 minute. REPEDE, DAU COROANA CELUI CARE IMI RASPUNDE PRIMUL!!
La prima poza nu conteaza cuvintele care le-am pus eu, pentru ca stiu ca am gresit, iar la a doua poza trebuie numai la plural,, I am your best friend''.

Va Rooog Dau Coroana PS Daca Nu Imi Raspundeti In Maxim 10 Minute REPEDE DAU COROANA CELUI CARE IMI RASPUNDE PRIMUL La Prima Poza Nu Conteaza Cuvintele Care Lea class=
Va Rooog Dau Coroana PS Daca Nu Imi Raspundeti In Maxim 10 Minute REPEDE DAU COROANA CELUI CARE IMI RASPUNDE PRIMUL La Prima Poza Nu Conteaza Cuvintele Care Lea class=

Răspuns :

1. Children under twelve are not allowed to see this film

2. Men are looking at the movies posters

3. These babies have got one tooth

4. These actresses are really beautifull

5. Those actors usually dress as cowboys

6. Sheriffs saw the thieves

7. There are only a few wolves on the prairie

8. These women own a ranch in the Farwest

9. Buffaloes are drinking water from the lake

10. Famous persons lives are pieces of news

11. The books are on the table

12. Men are picking up leaves

13. These pianos are very expensive

14. These knives were used by the thieves

15. There are only a few shelves in his bedroom

2.We are your best friends

Sper ca am ajutat