
Va rog ex 1 dau coroana

1.Alcatuieste un text im care sa spui o intamplare amuzanta la scoala

Răspuns :

era iarna.desi era viscol afara, copiii se bucurau de ninsoare.in pauze, mergeau prin zapada cu capul descoperit sau in tricouri.doua fete, andreea si victoria, au inceput sa se bata cu zapada.dar, cand victoria a aruncat un bulgare mai tare, a nimerit in urechea unui profesor.toti copiii s-au amuzat, dar profesorul a plecat furios.

It was winter. It was snowy, the children were enjoying the snow. During breaks, they went through the snow with their heads naked or in their shirts. Two girls, Andreea and victory, began to fight with snow. But when the victory threw a bulgare louder in the ear of a teacher. All the children were amused, but the teacher left angry.

daca nu iti place, poti sa o mai schimbi