11 and 12 please!!!!!

11)Success :successful, successfully, succeed. Immediate:immediately. Inform:information, informative, informational, informality, informer. Accomodate: accommodation. Luck:lucky, luckily, luckiest, unlucky, unluckily, unluckiest.
Responsible: responsibility, responsibilities, irresponsable. Difficult: difficulty, difficulties. Prepare:prepared, preparation, unprepared. Reason:reasonable, unreasonable
12. Your application, successful, immediately, information, accommodation, unlucky, responsibility, difficulties, prepared, reasonably
Propozitii, BONUS, cu cuvintele respective (off-topic)
I recommend you to apply for this job.
Îți recomand să aplici pentru acest post.
I wish you succes at the exam.
Îți urez succes la examen.
I will immediate resolve this problem.
Voi rezolva imediat această problemă.
I inform you that your application been approved .
Te informez ca aplicația ta a fost aprobată.
Will not be so easy for me to accommodate with the new town.
Nu va fi ușor pentru mine să mă acomodez cu noul oraș.
My mother wished me luck.
Mama mi-a urat noroc.
I am responsible for what happened.
Sunt responsabilă pentru ceea ce s-a întâmplat.
I know that it's difficult to learn a new language.
Știu ca este dificil sa înveți o nouă limbă. Prepare yourself for the party.
Pregătește-te pentru petrecere.
The only reason I don't like math it's because it's hard to understand.
Singurul motiv pe try care nu îmi place matematica este pentru ca e greu de înțeles.