Dau multe puncte și coroană! Ajutati-ma și pe mine la acest exercițiu!

1. How well do you get on with the people in your family?
R: My family and i we have a deep bound, so we're ok.
2. Did you get to know your best friend quickly or slowly?
R: It wasn't one of my expectations, but in the end we did get along.
3. Do you know anyone who has got back together with the same person more than once?
R: Yeah, that would be my father.
4. Do you know anybody who might get engaged soon?
R: My brother, he already sent me an invite to his affiance.
5. How quickly do you usually get over disappointments?
R: That depends on who disappointed me and how much.
6. What sort of things get on your nerves?
R: Usually bullies, but now i don't know.
In cerinta iti zice clar ca trebuia sa discuti cu ceilalti colegi, dar merge si asa.