Is it warm in winter?
No , there isn't.
(Este călduț iarna?
Nu , nu este.)
Is it hot in summer?
Yes , there is.
(Este cald vara?
Da , este.)
Is it cool in spring?
Yes , there is.
(Este tare primăvara?
Da , este.)
Do we have snowdrops in autumn?
No , we don't.
(Noi avem ghiocei toamna?
Nu , nu avem.)
Do we have rain in spring?
Yes , we do.
(Primăvara plouă?
Da , plouă.)
Is the grass green in winter?
No , there isn't.
(Iarba este verde iarna?
Nu , nu este.)
Does it rain in autumn?
Yes , it does.
(Toamna plouă?
Da , plouă.)
Does it snow in summer?
No , it doesn't.
(Vara ninge?
Nu , nu ninge.)