
DECI* : am un proiect ( la engleza ) si proiectul este despre o copunere ( despre spatiu ) si introducerea o sa fie mai jos , cuprinsul il scrieti voi ( LONGIC ) si incheierea tot jos o sa fie si eu vreau sa scrieti ceva la cuprins care sa se potriveasca in compnere ( :D ) .
INTRODUCEREA : Is there life on other planets? Some people think this is not possible but I think it is. I can't believe that we are alone in this big universe. Now I'll explain why.
CUPRINSUL : (il scrieti voi)
INCHEIEREA : The points I have mentioned don't really prove that there is life on other planets. But I am sure that one day man wll be able to prove that there is some from of life in places like Mars.
VA ROG !!!! ( maine trebuie sa dau proiectu )

Răspuns :

You probably think,like as many people that on other planets exist some kind of animal ,who have green-yellow skin.This different type of animal was called by people alien.
In ours day are records with evidents of the existence of aliens' life.
Some people make research in demonsyranting of this other planet humanity and maybe in one day,maybe tomorrow the will do it.
So i started to accept the ideea about a new alien's friend