
Pagina 78, exercițiul 31 a, b si c (manualul de engleză clasa a9 a)
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Pagina 78 Exercițiul 31 A B Si C Manualul De Engleză Clasa A9 A Cât De Repede Puteți Mulțumesc class=

Răspuns :

a)In my country you can find puffin, peacock and recently flamingos.
b)A puffin had a little orange beak,short and thin legs. It has 2 wings and his feathers are black and white.He has a very small tail.
c)Birds of prey:
golden eagle
snowy owl.
Migratory birds
flamingos and puffin(nu stiu exact)
peacock and Canadian goose.
In my country we have sparrows,peagons...
Sper ca te am ajutat