
3. Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice:
a. In Canada, they hold elections for Prime Minister every four years.
b. They saw a deer running in the woods.
c. Have they delivered the flowers?
d. City workers are planting trees in the park.
e. They have cancelled all flights due to fog.
f. Did they invent CDs in 1965?
g. Waiters should include service in the bill.
h. A deadly tsunami hit Indonesia.
passive tense:

Răspuns :


a. In Canada, are hold elections for the Prime Minister every four years.

b. A deer was seen running in the woods.

c. Have the flowers been delivered?

d. Trees are being planted by city workers in the park.

e. All flights have been cancelled due to fog.

f. We're CDs invented in 1965?

g. Service should be included in the bill.

h. Indonesia was hit by a deadly tsunami.


passive tense e timpul verbelor folosit in construcțiile pasive, exact ca in romana, ceea ce inseamna ca pe langa verbul predicativ (format de vb auxiliar "a fi" si de vb de conjugat care este la participiu) exista si un complement de agent.

ex: Factura a fost platita de mama.

a fost platita= vb predicativ format din verbul auxiliar "a fost" si verbul de conjugat "platita"

ca sa aflam CA-ul punem intrebarea: "DE CINE a fost platita factura?", raspuns: de mama.

iar cand transformam o construcție activa într-una activa, trebuie sa păstrăm timpul verbelor.

Au inchis magazinul. ---> Magazinul a fost inchis.

au inchis=mod indicativ timp perfect compus

a fost inchis= mod indicativ timp perfect compus.

*verbul auxiliar trebuie sa aiba acelasi mod si timp ca verbul predicativ din constructia activa

aici complementul de agent neexprimat si subinteles. (de cine a fost inchis magazinul? de cineva. / cineva=pers a 3-a)

Iar aceste notiuni se aplica si in engleza.

The bill was paid by my mom.


"was paid"=vb preducativ (vb aux + vb conj)

They closed the store ----> The store was closed.

was & closed share the same tense: past simple

By whom whas the store closed? by someone.

*whom este la pers a 3-a si înlocuiește pronunele: "him" , "her" si "them" dar si pronumele la pers 1 "me"

ex: The store was closed by him. (By whom?)

*who înlocuiește pronumele la pers 1 si a 2-a : "I", "she, "he" si "they".

ex: I closed the store. (who closed?)