
⑫② Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If the line is correct, write a tick ( ). If it has a word that 10 points should not be there, write the word. 00. Last Saturday it was my sister's birthday She went in the market early to do the shopping 0. for the party. "Would you be so kind as that to help me carry these heavy bags?" she asked 1. when she returned. I gladly helped her, knowing how much she has had on her plate on that 2. day. The cosy restaurant where we ate at last month had closed down so we decided to have 3 the party at home. As we were unpacking the groceries, she made me promise that I would 4. make her birthday cake. "I don't mind to being asked to lend a hand" joked, knowing how 5. much she would loved my baking Later, when the guests started arriving. I noticed there were 6. hardly any people in the room. "She may have given them the wrong address." I worried. 7. hoping everyone would find their own way. Soon the party was in full swing. However, one 8. guest seemed to dominate the conversation. She went on to talking about her holiday plans 9. until everyone around her was bored out of their mind. I chuckled inwardly, grateful for her 10. enthusiasm but hoping for a change of topic. Overall, my sister's birthday party turned it out to be a memorable and joyous occasion.​