
I. Correct the spelling mistakes in the paragraph below. 25 points

George knew that he shouldn't drink alchohol on a Wedsday night, especially since his government proffesor had scheduled an important exam on Thrusday. However, he beleived he would lose his friends if he did not go out with them. The pressure to fit in with his peers was worst then the fear of bad grades. To be popular among his friends, one had to be either a muscular athlete or a wild and crazy drinker. George really could not concieve how it was possible for a student to consume huge quantities of liquor and still suceed in school. Maybe the drinkers were just more brilliant than he was. He didn't even enjoy the pasttime of spending hours in a bar trying to pursue a temporary feeling of excitement and "fun." Somehow, he expected the cheif of campus security to catch him and the university administration to expel him. But George didn't possess enough courage to express his opinion to his friends. He was certain they would tell him to mind his own buisness. Also, he didn't want to be separated from his friends. So, he planned to meet them at a local restaurant, have a few drinks, leave early, take some aspirin, and spend a few hours studying for the exam. -2345 6 7 8 9 10 ​