Matching the expressions with their meanings:
1. Kate and Tammy often hang out together at the weekend. (d) spend time with someone
2. I have a lot in common with my sister. (b) have the same interests
3. My brother's loud music is getting on my nerves. (f) annoy someone
4. I keep in touch with my friends on social media. (c) continue to be in contact with someone
5. I am dying to see that new film at the cinema. (a) look forward to something
6. People think Keri is a natural at surfing, but she practises a lot. (h) have an argument with someone
7. I've fallen out with my sister-in-law again. We're always arguing. (g) be extremely good at
8. All my friends are mad about football - I'm not! (e) like or love something very much
Choose the correct options:
1. If you see red, you are. (a) very angry
2. If you give someone the green light, you (b) allow them to do something
3. If something is black and white, it is very (a) clear and straightforward
4. If someone is as good as gold, they are (b) well-behaved
5. If you show your true colours, you show (a) your real personality
Complete the sentences with prepositions:
1. He's very funny, and he's got a great sense of humour.
2. What kind of things do you like to do in your spare time?
3. I love to go cycling about my clothes.
4. I'm feeling very nervous about my maths exam.
5. It's very unkind to laugh at people.
Exam Task - Sentence transformation:
1. Now that Tim is my husband, I am RELATED to Lenny.
2. I love watching sport on TV in my SPARE time.
3. Marta SAW RED when I told her the news.
4. My aunt KEEPS IN TOUCH with her mother in Canada.
5. Do you and your best friend HAVE A LOT IN COMMON?
6. Nicolas is as good as gold at the PIANO.