
7 Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 I'm sure she has given up smoking. have She...must have given up... smoking. 2 I'm sure she isn't feeling sick now. She be 3 Perhaps they were working for the enemy. have They 4 Perhaps he will be on time. be He 5 Perhaps he was too ill to take part in the race. been He I'm sure they informed the police about the robbery. have They 7 Perhaps Harry will be sunbathing this time tomorrow. Harry be 8 I'm sure he had warned the soldiers about the coming danger. have He I'm sure Jenny hasn't been working there that long. have Jenny.. 10 Perhaps she was telling you the truth. been She 11 Perhaps she's been working hard. been She 12 Perhaps she'll come with us. may She 13 I'm sure she hadn't prepared her speech. have She...... 14 Perhaps he was asleep when we rang. been He 15 Perhaps he'll be waiting when we get there. may He.. 16 I'm sure she didn't know about it. known She 17 I'm certain it has stopped raining now. have It 18 It's possible that Jane has left already. have Jane .now. for the enemy. time. to take part in the race. about the robbery. tomorrow. about the coming danger. there that long. the truth. hard. us. her speech. when we rang. when we get there. about it. raining now. already. 71​