
15 Rewrite the following in the passive. 1 Factory waste polluted a local river. The authorities have fined the owners £20,000. e.g. A local river was polluted by factory waste. The owners have been fined £20,000. 2 Last month James Smith burnt down the Town Hall. The judge sent him to prison for five years. 3 Last week a careless driver caused a serious accident. They are going to send him to prison for four years. 4 Craig McDrew was attacking an old lady when police arrested him last week. The judge has sent him to prison for fifteen years. are en @SR A​

Răspuns :


Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.



  1. A local river was polluted by factory waste. The owners have been fined £20,000.
  2. The Town Hall was burnt down by James Smith last month. He was sent to prison for five years.
  3. Last week a serious accident was caused by a careless driver. He is going to be sent to prison for four years.
  4. An old lady was being attacked by Craig McDrew when he was arrested by police last week. He was sent to prison by the judge for fifteen years.



Utilizam forma pasivă cand nu se știe/nu este important cine face o acțiune. Pentru a spune de cine este făcută o determinată acțiune se utilizează by. Subiectul nu efectuează acțiunea, ci o "suportă".

Structura frazelor pasive este următoarea:

  • PRESENT SIMPLE: subject + to be (conjugated) + verb to past simple ( + ... ) e.g. Venice is visited by millions of people every year.
  • PRESENT CONTINUOUS: subject + to be (conjugated) + being + verb to past participle ( + ... ) e.g. My school is being restored.
  • PRESENT PERFECT: subject + have (conjugated) + been + verb to past participle ( + ... ) e.g. The Cleopatra's tomb has never been found.
  • PAST SIMPLE: subject + was/were + verb to past participle ( + ... ) e.g. Giulio Cesare was killed by Cassio and Bruto.
  • PAST CONTINUOUS: subject + was/were + being + verb to past participle ( + ... ) e.g. The boy was being threaten by the old man.
  • PAST PERFECT: subject + had been + verb to past participle ( + ... ) e.g. My mother had been elected as head teacher.
  • GERUND: subject + verb + being + verb to past participle ( + ... ) e.g. I hate being woken up early.


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