
traduce din limba română in limba engleză A fost o data un fluture pe nume Jiulian erea un fluture foarte activ si bun prieten cu toate florile de dimineata până seara statea împreună cu florile.Acesta adora mirosul lor parfumat întru-na din zilele micul fluturași zări o floare deosebit de frumoasa însă erea într-un loc diferit față de florile celalante Acestea o întreabă cum o cheamă iar aceasta a răspuns ca se numește Margareta El a simțit mirosul ei minunat de parfum​

Răspuns :


Once upon a time there was a butterfly named Jiulianm he was a very active butterfly and a good friend of all the flowers, from morning to evening he stayed with the flowers. He adored their fragrant smell. In one of the days, the litle butterfly saw a particularly beautiful flower, but it was in a different place from the other flowers. They asked her what her name was, and she answwered that her name was Margaret. He felt her wonderful smell of perfume.


once upon a Time there was a buterfly named Julian was very active and a good friend with all the flowers from the morning to the night he srayd whit the flowers.He loved their smell ,but I one day the lottle buterfly sees a beutifule flower but it was în another place that him.Julius Asus the flower wath it's his name and the flower answers that her name is Margareta.Julius had shell her from one mile away