
3. Match the following adjectives with their explanations. Then, use five of the pairs in sentences, just like in the example: Example: talkative - no one can speak when he is around; He is very talkative: for example, when he is around, no one can speak at all, because he never stops talking! a. he's never sad, but always has a smile on his face b. he does everything he can to achieve his goals 1. reliable 2. generous 3. cheerful 4. great sense of humour 5. very punctual 6. lazy 7. ambitious 8. stubborn 9. sociable 10. energetic c. he's never late d. people instantly like him and he makes friends easily e. he doesn't really like working or studying f. he's extremely active and doesn't like doing nothing g. if he decides on something, you cannot make him change his mind h. he makes people laugh and understands other people's jokes i. he always shares everything with the others j. you can always count on his help​