Răspuns: At the start of Chapter 1 in Robin Hood, Master Hugh Fitzooth, the King's Ranger of the Forest at Locksley, questions his son, Robin, about cutting sticks for their fire. Robin reveals that he is making arrows. The family discusses a message from George of Gamewell, inviting Robin to the Fair in Nottingham. Fitzooth is initially reluctant due to his pride and unresolved land claims. Eventually, he agrees, and Robin, accompanied by his mother and the Clerk of Copmanhurst, sets off. On the way, they encounter a band of robbers who demand toll. Robin suggests a contest, shooting arrows at a birch tree, to determine the toll. The robbers agree, and the chapter ends with Robin winning the first round but facing a new challenge.
Robin Hood, Chapter 1- Summarized from https://sacred-texts.com/neu/eng/rh/rh02.htm