
Dear Santa,

My name is......... and I am .......years old. I am writing to you from…………. . I have been a good................. and a hardworking pupil at school this year.
The presents I want for Christmas are:……………………………………………………………………….. .
I will leave.... and…..for you the table.

Thank you very much,

Răspuns :

My name is (numele tău) and i am (câți ani ai) I am writing (aici chiar nu știu) I have been a good (nici aici)
The prezenta I want FOR christmas are (ce îți doreai de Crăciun)

Dear Santa,

My name is (numele tau) and I am (varsta ta) years old. I am writing to you from Romania. I have been a good child and hardworking pupil at school this year.

The presents I want for Christmas are: (ce cadouri vrei)

I will leave milk and cookies for you on the table.

Thank you very much,

(numele tau)