► Practice 12. Review of modals. (Charts 10-110-5) Write modal sentences for the situations. 1. The plane is late, and we didn't call the airport. a. I expect it will arrive soon. It should arrive soon. b. Maybe it took off late. It may/might / could have taken off late. c. It was a good idea to call the airport, but we didn't. We should have called the airport. 2. There's a package in the mail. a. Maybe it's for me. b. I'm sure it's for me. c. It's impossible that it's for me. 1st might Should YZ might 17 love for not bee ле 3. Tom didn't respond to my email. a. I expected him to respond. i b. Maybe he didn't get it. c. I'm pretty sure he didn't get it. d. His email isn't working. It was impossible for him to get it. c. I'm pretty sure a pipe is broken. d. It's a good idea for you to call a plumber. e. It isn't necessary for us to call a plumber. 4. There's water all over the kitchen floor. a. Perhaps the dishwasher is leaking. b. The dishwasher is new. It's impossible that it's the dishwasher. me me ANTICIPATED THAT HE WOUL RESPOND MIGHT NOT GET IT THINK HEMI for me